February ’23

We’re now coming to the end of February, and the Chelmsford City Council elections are only ten weeks away.

During February, I enjoyed a week away, a trip to Morocco that had been postponed from January ’21 and ’22. This, unfortunately, coincided with the City Council’s Planning Committee’s decision on the proposed development to the north of South Woodham Ferrers, and the County Council’s annual budget-setting meeting.
I did, however, watch both online.
Since my return I have reported several hazardous potholes to Essex Highways and am pleased to see that the potholes to the left of the road on the first stretch of road up towards Woodham Ferrers, on the road towards Crouch Vale Medical Centre and adjacent to the Ferrers Road roundabout have all been repaired. The County Council has announced increased spending on road repairs and County Councillors will, once again, be allowed a ‘priority list’. In past years I have asked Town
Councillors to identify the problem potholes in their respective wards and have submitted those.
Residents can report and track highways problems through the County Council’s website here:
Essex Highways have also confirmed that they will repaint the zebra crossing adjacent to Millennium Place and the Town Sign, but I don’t yet have a date for that.
Residents will probably not be surprised to learn that I intend to stand, once again, for Chelmsford City Council in the May elections. While I am as frustrated as anyone by the goings on in Westminster, I remain proud of what conservatives achieved in Chelmsford during their period of administration and am frustrated by the city-centric attitude of the current Lib-Dem administration.