Leadership Hustings

Conservatives Hustings - 1It was great to attend a hustings last week where three of the four candidates for the leadership of the Conservative Party, Kemi Badenoch, James Cleverly, and Robert Jenrick, presented their visions for the party’s future.

Tom Tugenhat was represented by Jackie Doyle-Price.

Craig Rimmer facilitated, former MP Stephen Metcalfe hosted the evening, and 200 local conservatives attended. We will get to vote after Conservative MPs have whittled the four candidates down to a final two.

Conservatives Hustings - 2

Open Day at Freighter House Recycling Centre

Chelmsford City Council are holding another open day on Saturday 31st August at their recycling centre at Freighter House, Boreham (between the Car Auctions and Maccy Dees).
If you haven’t been, it’s a fascinating place to visit, and you can see what happens to all the cardboard and cans that the City Council collects.
For more information click here.

Clements Green Lane

Clements Green LaneLast month – after many months of ‘badgering’ – I met with the Essex Highways Director and the Deputy Cabinet Member for Highways to discuss the parlous state of Clements Green Lane.

Following that meeting, Essex Highways have advised that Clements Green Lane will be closed overnight (19:00 – 05:00) for 3 nights from 6th November 2024.

“The closure is required for the safety of the public and workforce while Essex County Council undertakes Machine patching, jointing prep and relining.”

Emergency and residents’ access will be maintained, subject to the works being undertaken.

Essex Forest Initiative

Essex Forest Initiative

I’m delighted to be able to share that I’m one of the lucky recipients of the Essex Forest Initiative’s (EFI) Councillors’ Tree Giveaway 🌳

Established in 2019, the EFI has been planting trees across Essex, exceeding its targets for the first three years with a whopping 241,560 trees already in the ground.

This initiative is not just about reaching our net-zero goals by 2050, but also about making a positive impact on biodiversity and air quality in our beautiful county.

Last week, I received ten native trees, with stakes and protective sleeves, from my Essex County Council colleague, Cllr. Peter Schweir.

These have been delivered to South Woodham Ferrers Town Council, who will be planting them at our Town’s Garden of Remembrance.

Flooding on Hullbridge Road

A number of residents contacted me recently regarding flooding during heavy rain, on Hullbridge Road, adjacent to the Village Hall.

It’s taken quite a few emails to badger Essex Highways, but one resident emailed me the other day to report that Essex Highways were ‘jetting’ the drains.

Jetting the drains at Hullbridge Road

Let’s hope this solves the problem.

Cllr. Bob Massey.

Potholes (yet again)

I make no apologies for writing about potholes again, they affect any of us who drive and were a topic of contention at the City Council elections last May. Some serving Lib-Dem councillors failed to report potholes for repair and then pointed a finger of blame at the Conservative-controlled County Council.

As I wrote last week, I highlighted the potholes on the B1418 on the ‘S’ bend heading up to Woodham Ferrers to Essex Highways and was pleased to see multiple markings on the road indicating that works were planned.


Image from Google Street View

I was delighted to see, as I drove to Chelmsford this morning (August 2nd), that the road has been extensively repaired; the potholes at each end of the ‘S’ bend, the numerous smaller holes through the bend, the massive pothole at the junction of Workhouse Lane and even the pothole on the left heading up towards St Mary’s church.

This isn’t – as some have suggested – an attempt to ‘curry favour’ with the electorate; this is a mechanism where residents – through their elected representatives – can identify the potholes that cause them the most grief, and prioritise their repair.

And I’m pleased to be able to report that it seems to work.

There will be another opportunity to prioritise potholes in October; maybe the local Taxpayers Association councillors will deign to take part in the process.



The truth about Potholes

Understandably, when talking to you, the poor state of our roads, pavements and problems with potholes are a major concern.

Roads and footpaths are the responsibility of Essex County Council, and last year they set up a scheme to enable their Essex County Councillors to report potholes in their areas to target repairs. My fellow Conservative County Councillors have used this on residents’ behalf, although some report fewer than others.

You can report road, footpath and lighting issues using the County Council’s ‘Track-It’ website:


As the County Councillor representing South Woodham Ferrers, residents often contact me to report potholes, and I make a point of asking my fellow Town Councillors to identify priority faults.

It really helps if the report includes a reference number from the ‘Track-It’ website, and, ideally, the location of the fault using ‘What 3 Words’ as that provides a specific location.

But that is not enough. A Conservative City Council will do more to tackle the problem.

The Local Election on the 4th May 2023 is about what Chelmsford City Councillors can do for you.

Unlike the Liberal Democrats, who wrongly claim they can, Conservatives cannot promise to mend the roads but they can strongly influence what goes on. Conservative City Councillors will help you report the issues, and they will follow these up.

Essex County Council have rercruited an additional 12 ‘gangs’ to repair potholes, but these can only be properly repaired when it is dry ,and March and April have been among the wettest months ever recorded in Essex.

Cllr Bob Massey
Essex County Council



The political parties in SWF

As we approach next month’s City Council’s election, it’s interesting to see the differences between the political parties.

Our local Taxpayers Alliance, who have supported the Lib-Dems throughout the last four years, seem to be claiming credit for anything that has been done locally.

Of course our Town’s last Liberal Councillor was Ian Roberts, no surprises there.

Their policy for the next four years seems to be that they will be pressurising the City Council to ensure that dog poo bins are emptied promptly.

Taxpayers Dog Poo Policy
That’s all well and good, but seriously?

The Lib Dems seem to be confusing and conflating National and County Council issues, pointing at potholes or bemoaning the state of the NHS. None of which the City Council has any influence over, but I guess it distracts from the Lib-Dems profligate spending in Chelmsford in the last four years.

Four million pounds on planting trees that, for the most part, died?

Nearly four million upgrading the lobby, bar and café at the Civic Theatre?

During a financial crisis? Seriously?

Oh, and let’s introduce parking fees at Hylands House, at a time when the Government was encouraging people to get out and exercise more.

And then raise crematorium fees by twice the rate of inflation, during the height of the pandemic.

Will they charge us for collecting brown bins next?

Chelmsford deserves better, can we afford another four years of their spending?

The Conservatives, in opposition, have cautioned the Lib-Dems throughout their spending sprees, but they’ve ignored us and continued to spend the reserves built up during sixteen years of Conservative administration.

If elected, a new Conservative administration would scrap the Hylands parking fees for Chelmsford’s and South Woodham’s residents.

And we will not charge for brown bin collections.

We will not waste your money.

Meet the candidates

You may have seen Murrough O’Brien’s letter in a recent edition of The Focus where he confirms that he will be standing with the Conservatives in the upcoming City Council elections.

We know you are all busy people, so, if we happen to miss you on the doorstep or out and about, we understand. You’re either commuting, working from home, or just getting on with your lives, and you probably wouldn’t welcome strangers interrupting whatever you’re doing.

That said, you may have issues you’d like to discuss with us, so if you aren’t able to catch us around town, at the Park Run or wherever, we’ll be at Club Woodham on the evening of March 30th between 7pm and 9pm, later if necessary.

You would be more than welcome to join us and raise your concerns. I can attest that the coffee in Club Woodham is excellent, and you’ll be supporting a local business as well.

We look forward to meeting you.

Cllr. Bob Massey
South Woodham Conservatives